
Hi! If you found this it is either because you have been checking out my other blog, or you somehow randomly found this off some search engine.

Anyway, this is the tutorial page for my blog "The Blending". It will contain helpful tutorials for Blender (hopefully).

Tuesday, April 21, 2009


This is the first tutorial, and the most important one.

You need to download Blender in order to start any other tutorials on this site.
First, follow the LINK to download Blender, then choose between the downloads for your OS (Operating System).

The supported OSs are:

Windows 32 bits
Windows 64 bits (no installer yet)
Linux x86-32
Linux x86-64
Mac OS X

and if you use Ubuntu (like me), then the most recent version of Blender supported is Blender 2.45 (As soon as the latest version (2.48) comes out I will download it and post a review of it).

As soon as it is finished downloading, if you open it you will see a cube, a triangle, a circle (thing), and an array of confusing buttons. That is exactly how I saw it when I first used it. I figured out the first 5 things I could do by messing with it for an hour and a half.

The next tutorial will be about navigating the 3D window and button menus!

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